Thursday, February 23, 2012

Very good beginning

using the reference image from the Google map, we are using the scaling , so we hopefully may achieve a good real world scaling. This may be a time consuming process, and so far I have used so many separate meshes, and its coming out really well.  I have no clue, how I am going to unwrap this model...I had a very bad experience with le -Royal Meridian hotel modeling, my system crashed ans my attempt to recover the files are failed. Now I have made sure, that I have all my works backed up. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Started with Santhome Church

Among many iconic buildings in Chennai and especially in this game, Santhome church is one of the very most important building, According to game story line, the very first race starts with this place and ends at Parry's corner, Chennai. I have never modeled such a old architectural building, this going to be a very tough & good learning experience for me. Let see, how much time I am gonna take for this.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Texturing Done for crane.

Whoo...Finally I have done with the texturing for the crane. As I have mentioned earlier, I gone through a way which I was not familiar with, when I started with 8K, my system luckily handled the amount of memory, I should love my system. But Saddly, the normal mapping process didn't come up well, the Nvidia normal map fillter failed me from using it. I tried my best for normal mapping, and failed with that process, still searching for an efficient way to get it done. So I may learn new things on the way.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Break from work

I have planned to enjoy this weekend with my friends.. Ah gonna attend a CS tournament..Let see , how this weekend will be. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Hmm...Working on the Crane Texture.

Suffff...Done with unwrapping, now I am doing a normal map research, I am using a 8K unwrapp, and gonna texture the crane, the will be reducing the texture to 1k or 2k. So I can achieve a good detail and the normal map too will have a good result in the end, I am expecting this to come well, so that I can add in my portfolio, lets see how good this comes.

Now I have gathered few pictures, which I can use in Photoshop to create texture for the crane.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

unwrapping a Crane.

I have done a crane, and it is quite complicated to unwrap, because it has nearly 25 seperate parts. Its taking time for me. I am really confused how big should the UV map resolution should be. I have planned to go for 2048 X 2048 ,since its going to be very big, but few of my friends suggested 1K will be enough. Anyway, Now I have planned to go for 8k and will texture it in 8K then I will gradually decrease to 2K or 1K which ever satisfies my need. I may add this to my port folio if this is gonna come well with all maps.

This is the crane I am unwrapping. This has many complicated parts and I am feeling hard to compress all the part in one single UV layout. But this is really a challenging task for me. I may learn some thing from this.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First Formative Jury

Today , I woke early to attend the jury. I arrived at college by 9.30 am and started to go through the checklist once, with my team mate Allen Paulson. We almost had everything, The very first team was a bit late so we got the chance to present first. Lecturer Mr.Jyothi is the jury head. And we started to pitch the concept and we showed our work progressions, and we had some minus points, according to Mr.Jyothi. He kindly asked us not to commit mistake in the further juries. It took approximately 20mins for us. And after that we left the college. I went to purchase GTA 4, and after getting it I arrived at home by 3.30 pm. I took some rest and turned on my computer to Install GTA 4, bad luck the second disk was corrupted. Oh my god this is third time it happens.